Over on Nick.com they have a game creator where you can build your own iCarly game for free and then send it to other people to play. The kind of game that you can build is pretty limited but overall it is fun to try at least. The games that you build in the iCarly game build are side scrolling platform games similar to Mario but it also is vertical than horizontal.This game builder is very similar to the Spongebob Squarepants game builder which is also offered by Nick.com. The game builder itself is built in Adobe Flash and it outputs to Flash as well which means you could build games with it on your Android tablet and you could also play the games on any Android device.

Creating your game is broken down into 6 different steps. The first step is where you select your World which is basically what background do you want to use for your game. The next step is selecting the level itself. You can choose from a limited selection of pre-created levels. Maybe at some point you can also create your own levels instead of just choosing from 4-6 templates but that option isn’t available for first time users.

After you choose your level template you move on to choosing your hero graphic and what music you would like your game to have. There are four heroes to choose from and five music tracks. Moving on you are now on the Goals section where you can choose what the player will need to do to complete the level. You can choose from “Reach the Door”, “Collect Them All”, and “Defeat All Enemies”. Lastly you end up on the Builder section where you can customize your level to some extent by adding in props, enemies, bonuses and extra walls if you want them.

There is no way in this game builder to upload your own custom graphics or content which is pretty limiting overall (if you want a game creator were you can use all of your own graphics you can make your own games with Pulado). Over 52,000 levels have been built with the iCarly game builder which is a pretty big number of games.

If iCarly is your thing or you just want to check out building your own game levels give this a go here!